Okay okay okay..... mommy is finally updating! First of all, Thank God for camera phones! We can't find our camera. Second of all, I have heard your cries - be prepared for photo-overload!
Olivia is growing so much! At her last appointment, she was 9 lbs 5 1/2 oz and 23 and a half inches long. She is still a super skinny girl - she must take after Daddy!
The biggest things to note: July 5th she smiled her first smile for my Aunt LeeAnn, last week she began crying and pausing to hear if I was coming.

Olivia the thinker. Look at those lips!

Daddy and the fuzzy Child, Frankie, who takes all the snuggle time he can get now.

I'm secure, I have my blankie, and I have my pacifier - ah - I'm safe.

Mommy is funny. (and mommy can't figure out how to get the underline to go away... and it may disappear when this is posted... darn blogger!)

More of those precious lips!

Daddy and Livie sleeping this morning.

All wrapped up as snug as a bug in the pirate quilt from Jen!

Doesn't she look like a bear or something?

Morning play time.

Big Smile!

I'm Shy.

Mom, Seriously, what is this thing?! I look... ADORABLE... ew.
