Words: Uh-oh, no, puppy, kitty, doggy, bubbles, mil(k), mommy, daddy, Nana, hello, bye bye, hey, "here-go" (Here ya go), mo(re).
Actions: Brushing teeth: Holding the brush under the water, letting us put the toothpaste on, "brushing" aka trying to suck the banana flavour off (we brush for her), she holds it under the water to rinse, taps to dry, and tries to put it back.
Follows directions like "Put it back." "Close / Open the door." "Bring me your shoes/doll/milk etc."
Tries to put on her own shirts or jackets, and sometimes her shoes. She wears daddy's shoes and tries to dress her dolls. She likes to play mommy, and pushes her doll around in a stroller, stops to check on her, gives her a kiss and starts again. She gives us kisses. Climbing has become a new favourite. She also likes to run and dance. Making messes has now become fun, so we are learning to clean up after ourselves. As I am writing that she is throwing raisin bran everywhere.