Olivia Moon is now three, and without Mommy being gender biased, Olivia is in LOVE with princesses. She wants to be a princess and loves everything that is princesses. It is pretty cute actually. She has a pretty good grasp of singing the alphabet, though she usually skips w-z. She can write "O" and "D". She counts (aka recites) pretty well all the way through 20, but when it comes to actually counting, that is another story. She's begun scooping with imaginary objects and really enjoys going to IKEA and playing in the setups. She likes to serve me tea or cook for me there. :)
She enjoys playing with other kids every chance she gets, and would love to go to preschool. A certain training needs to be mastered before she can go though since they don't want to be changing her bottom!
Olivia loves being a big sister and helps every chance she gets, even when Mommy doesn't need her to!
My favorite part now is that she really communicates with me. She tells me how she is feeling, or what she wants. Sometimes she'll just say, "Mommy, I love you." and while she sometimes means it, I think it is her default. She wants to talk, but has nothing to say.
I also am super proud to say that I can bargain eating one vegetable for another. She loves mushrooms, so I can say, eat your carrots/green beans, broccoli etc and then you can have more. (Helps that she likes veggies too!)
My baby is growing up too fast!!!