Olivia is settling down now. Amy is really enjoying the feedings and finally getting to reap the rewards of the past 9 months. Olivia has a good set of lungs but it seems she only cries when she is hungry. We are super exhausted. Since she came so late last night, we didn't have a lot of time to settle in before the night started. Consequently, neither of us slept well. I did my first diaper change at oh, 1 AM, and at 2:45AM she had made another dirty. Well, I went to change this one and after I had got it open and started to clean I made the rookie mistake of removing the old diaper out from underneath her, she took this as her queue to empty her bladder all over her clothes and the bassinet, then to top it off she started wailing. The nurses have been extremely helpful in helping us learn and be comfortable as parents.
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