Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Far too long since we've posted.

Olivia Moon is now almost 2 1/2. She is currently attacking Daddy while he washes dishes with spoon-daggers and being told to go bother Mommy. Thankfully our bundle of atomic energy ran singing into her bedroom or I would never get this done.

With Olivia's baby sister's birth fast approaching, we have been busy working on the bedroom they will share. Olivia now has bunk beds, and today we made a tent out of the bottom to read stories in. It is a little hard for Mommy to sit in there with the big pregnant belly, but Olivia loved it.

She is constantly asking me about the baby, and we have some pretty straight forward talks about pregnancy and how babies are born. It is all age appropriate mind you, but if left to her own devices she has thought both that the baby comes out of Mommy's belly button and out of Mommy's butt. I suppose both make sense since she knows she came out of Mommy's tummy (c-section), and of course solids come from the latter. Only liquids come from that other part right? :)

This may make some uncomfortable, but this is what I prefer to teach her. I am straight forward about body parts with names. We don't get into functions because she just doesn't understand and she really doesn't need the overload of information at this age.

I was getting out of the shower when Olivia said, "Baby come out your belly Mommy?"
"No, Olivia. You came from there (showing her my scar), but the baby will come out Mommy's vagina."
"Nooooooo." Said like I was telling her a tall tail.
"Yes, she will."
"Yes, I'm not lying to you. Mommy's uterus will squeeze and squeeze and then she'll come out."
"Ohhhhh." And she ran off to play.

A couple days later she tested this theory: "Baby come out your butt Mommy?"
"No, do you remember where Mommy says she'll come out?"
"Out your 'gina Mommy!"
"Yep, that's right."
"Okaaaay." and we continued getting ready for the day.

She is quite smart if you ask me. Once after saying that the baby was kicking me she said, "My baby is kicking me! Feel!" When I said, "Really? Do you have a baby in there?" She giggled and said she didn't like she was telling me a joke.

Olivia seems excited with the idea of the baby but I am sure once she is born it will be a different story for a while. I am sure we'll also be having some breastfeeding talks in the near future. For now though we are enjoying the last few weeks of "Mommy, Daddy & me" and working on using the potty like a big girl!

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